How to Clean Your Carpet: Easy Step-By-Step Guide

How to Clean Your Carpet

Every home needs carpets because they add comfort, insulation, and style. The fibers of your carpet can become clogged with dirt, dust, and other pollutants over time, which can result in an unsightly appearance and even health issues. To keep your carpet looking and smelling fresh and to get rid of any potentially harmful elements that might be hiding in the fibers, regular cleaning is required.

In this post, I will explain how to clean your carpet and provide tips and tricks for maintaining its appearance and hygiene.

How to Clean a Carpet

1. Gather Your Materials

Before you begin cleaning your carpet, you’ll need to gather all the necessary materials. You can clean much more quickly and effectively if you have everything you need on hand. Below is a list of the materials you will need to clean your carpet, as well as some optional materials that can be helpful to have on hand.

Necessary cleaning materials:

  • Vacuum cleaner: A good vacuum cleaner is essential for removing dirt, dust, and other particles from the fibers of your carpet. From my personal experience, BISSELL 2252 CleanView Vaccum Cleaner really gets the job done. This little beast takes care of every type of debris, even embedded pet hair. It has swivel steering, triple action brush, multi-level filtration, and more. Currently offered on Amazon with 10% discount.
  • Carpet cleaner: Carpet cleaners are specially formulated to remove dirt, stains, and other contaminants from your carpet. You can purchase a carpet cleaner from most home improvement or department stores.
  • Cleaning cloths or towels: Cleaning cloths or towels are useful for blotting up spills and stains, and for cleaning up any excess carpet cleaner.
  • Bucket or spray bottle: A bucket or spray bottle is useful for mixing your carpet cleaner and for applying it to the carpet.

Optional materials:

  • Stain remover: A stain remover is a useful tool for removing tough stains from your carpet. These can be purchased at most home improvement or department stores.
  • Protective gloves: Protective gloves can be worn to protect your hands from the chemicals in the carpet cleaner. I prefer using NitriPride Vinyl Exam Gloves. They are very affordable, and at the same time they are powder free, rubber free, and latex free, so even people who are sensitive to these materials can use the gloves.
  • Measuring cup: A measuring cup is useful for measuring the correct amount of carpet cleaner to use.
  • Old toothbrush: An old toothbrush can be helpful for working the cleaner into the fibers of the carpet and for getting into tight spaces.

It’s important to remember that some carpet materials have their own specific cleaning requirements. Before you start cleaning, you should get familiar with the guidelines that come with the cleaning materials I’ve listed.

The next three steps focus on pre-clean preparations.

2. Remove Large Debris From the Carpet

As we prepare the carpet for cleaning, we’ll need to remove any large debris or dirt that may be on the surface of the carpet. This will make the cleaning process smoother and will help to prevent dirt and debris from being ground further into the fibers.

All you need to do is to simply survey the carpet with your own eyes. Anything larger than a pinky nail should be picked up. If you find any particularly stubborn debris or dirt, you can use a dustpan and brush to manually remove it. Be sure to work carefully and gently, as you don’t want to damage your carpet’s fibers.

3. Move Furniture Off the Carpet

I strongly recommend moving any furniture that is sitting on the carpet. This will allow you to clean the entire carpet, including areas that are typically hidden by the furniture. From my personal experience, the carpet cleaning is not complete unless you treat those hard-to-reach areas, where the dust can accumulate for years.

To move furniture off the carpet, you will need a few basic tools such as furniture sliders and a helper if needed. Begin by using the furniture sliders to slide the furniture away from the carpet. This will make it easier to move the furniture and will help to prevent damage to the carpet or the furniture.

If the furniture is too heavy to move on your own, I usually recruit a friend or family member to help me. Like in the previous step, work carefully, to prevent any damage to the furniture or the carpet.

Pro tip: It’s a good idea to protect your furniture by placing foil or plastic under the legs or using furniture coasters, this will prevent any staining or discoloration on your furniture caused by cleaning agents.

4. Test a Small Area

To make sure the cleaning solution you intend to use won’t damage or discolor the carpet, test it on a small, discrete area first.

Put a small amount of the solution in a spot that is typically hidden, like a corner or the space behind some furniture. After letting the solution sit on the carpet for a few minutes, blot the area with a white, clean cloth.

If there is any discoloration, fading, or other damage to the carpet, do not use that cleaning solution on your carpet. Instead, try a different solution, or contact a professional carpet cleaner for advice.

Note: It’s also important to check for any discoloration or damage to the carpet after the cleaning process is complete.

5. Vacuum the Carpet Thoroughly

Once you’ve moved furniture off the carpet and tested a small area of the carpet, it’s time to thoroughly vacuum the entire carpet. Vacuuming is probably the most crucial step in the carpet cleaning process, because it removes dirt, dust, and other debris that can settle deep in the carpet. According to several studies, vacuuming also fights any harmful microorganisms that might infest your carpet. Vacuuming also helps to fluff up the carpet fibers, which can make your carpet look cleaner and fresher.

Before you begin vacuuming, make sure your vacuum cleaner is in good working condition and that the bag or container is empty. If your vacuum cleaner has a brush or beater bar, see that it’s cleaned and in a good working condition.

Personally, I start by dividing the room into quadrants and vacuum one quadrant at a time. Pay extra attention to high-traffic areas and areas that tend to collect more dirt and debris, such as entryways, hallways, and areas around furniture.

As you vacuum, go over each area of the carpet several times, using a slow and steady motion. This will help to remove as much debris as possible.

Pro tip: The room’s corners and edges should also be vacuumed. These are the areas where extra dirt and debris can gather before eventually getting into the carpet that you have just cleaned. Use the crevice tool attachment to reach these areas.

Additional tips and techniques for successfully vacuuming your carpet can be found in the video below:


6. Apply Cleaning Solution

After vacuuming your carpet, it’s time to apply a cleaning solution. Cleaning solutions can assist in removing dirt, grime, and other substances that the vacuum cleaner was unable to completely eliminate.

There are many different carpet cleaning options available, such as those made especially for pet stains, those made for deep cleaning, and the eco-friendly options. Before you begin, read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Some cleaning solutions may need to be diluted before use, while others should be applied directly to the carpet. Correct use of the solution can make a huge difference.

My go-to cleaning solution is Bissell Antibacterial 2-in-1 Carpet Cleaner. It does a great job with dirt, old stains and unpleasant odors. It effectively kills bacteria, while giving your carper that fresh look. I recommend giving it a go or trying one of the most recommended cleaning solutions on Amazon.

Once you have the cleaning solution ready, it’s time to apply it to the carpet. Just like in the vacuuming step, start by dividing the room into quadrants and working on one quadrant at a time. Using a carpet cleaner or scrub brush, work the solution into the carpet. Pay extra attention to areas that are particularly dirty or stained.

As you work the solution into the carpet, it’s crucial to keep the carpet damp but not soaking wet. This will help to prevent over-saturation, which can cause mold and mildew to develop.

Working from the edges of the room toward the center is also a good idea because it will help stop the solution from spreading to areas that have already been cleaned.

Once you’re done, let it sit for a while. Again, consult the instructions to find out exactly how long the solution must sit before moving on to the next step.

7. Rinse the Cleaning Solution

Once the cleaning solution has been applied, it is time to rinse it from the carpet. Depending on the kind of cleaning solution you’re using, you’ll need to rinse exactly as instructed.

You may need to use a carpet cleaner or extractor to get the cleaning solution out of the carpet with some cleaning agents. If you’re using a carpet cleaner or extractor, fill it with clean water and make several passes over the carpet, using the extractor to suction up as much of the cleaning solution as possible.

For other cleaning solutions, you may simply need to blot the carpet with a clean, damp cloth to remove the solution. If you’re blotting the carpet, start at the edges of the room and work your way towards the center, using a clean cloth or paper towel for each section.

Regardless of the method you use, rinse the carpet thoroughly to remove all traces of the cleaning solution. If you don’t remove all of the solution, it may leave behind a residue that can attract grime, making your carpet look dirtier than it did before you cleaned it.

8. Allow the Carpet to Dry

After you’ve rinsed the cleaning solution from your carpet, it’s time to let the carpet dry. This is an unskippable step in the cleaning process, as you don’t want to walk on the carpet or replace the furniture until it’s completely dry.

The exact time it will take for the carpet to dry will depend on several factors, including the type of cleaning solution you used, the temperature and humidity in the room, and the type of carpet you have. In general, most carpets will take between 6 to 8 hours to dry completely.

To speed up the drying process, I sometimes use fans or open windows to increase air flow in the room. I also place towels or newspaper over high-traffic areas to absorb any excess moisture and speed up the drying process.

Once the carpet is dry, you can walk on it and replace the furniture. The carpet should look fresh, clean, and free of any dirt, debris, or cleaning solution residue.

9. Treat Stains

No matter how careful we are, stains happen. They might appear immediately after the whole cleaning process, or they can happen several weeks or months later. I strongly suggest treating any stains or spots as soon as possible. The longer a stain sits, the harder it is to remove.

You have the option of using a store-bought spot cleaner or a simple homemade concoction made with ingredients you most likely already have in your kitchen. For instance, many different stains can be removed using a vinegar and baking soda solution.

The best way to deal with a stain is to first blot the affected area with a clean cloth. Apply your chosen remedy to the stain after that, being careful not to soak the carpet. After letting the solution sit for a while, wipe it up with a fresh cloth.

You might need to repeat the procedure if, after the initial treatment, the stain is not entirely eliminated.

10. Maintain and Prevent Dirt Build-Up

In this final step, we’ll cover some tips for maintaining and preventing dirt build-up in your carpets. With a little bit of effort, you can keep your carpets looking clean and fresh for a long time to come.

  • Regular Vacuuming: The most fundamental way to prevent dirt build-up in your carpets is to vacuum regularly. A good rule of thumb is to vacuum at least once a week, or more frequently if you have pets or heavy foot traffic in your home. When vacuuming, take your time and go over each area thoroughly, paying special attention to high-traffic areas.
  • Use Mats and Rugs: Another way to keep dirt out of your carpets is to use mats or rugs at entrances to your home. This will help to trap dirt and debris before it has a chance to get tracked onto your carpets. Choose mats that are appropriate for the size and type of entrance you have and remember to shake them out or wash them regularly.
  • Use Protective Pads: Finally, you can help to protect your carpets from stains and damage by using protective pads under furniture. These pads will help to distribute the weight of your furniture evenly and prevent it from sinking into the carpet fibers, which can cause staining or crushing. Look for pads that are appropriate for your furniture and floor type, and replace them regularly if they become worn or damaged.

In Conclusion

Cleaning your carpet is an essential task that will help to keep your home looking its best. I hope that the guide I’ve written will assist you with this chore. With consistent maintenance, you can guarantee that your carpets will stay clean and fresh for years to come.

Happy cleaning!

House+Garden Team

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